LOSD Land Acknowledgement

  • We, the Lake Oswego School District community, acknowledge that our schools occupy the ancestral and traditional Lands of the Kalapuya, Clackamas, and Clowewalla Peoples who are now part of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde. 

    Our community regrets the painful history of genocide, imposed assimilation and forced removal of Indigenous Peoples from this territory, and recognizes that injustices visited upon them have yet to be properly rectified.

    We honor the many diverse Indigenous Peoples still connected to this land on which we gather to educate our children. We honor them by sharing their stories, both told and untold, in our schools and classrooms.

    We thank those who were, and continue to be, stewards of these Lands and strive to follow their example by learning how to be collaborative caretakers of the resources that these lands offer to future generations.

    Our community invites you to join us in acknowledging these communities, their traditions both past and present, as we seek to create equitable outcomes and to build a culture of inclusive belonging for all students, staff and community.

Artwork by @artnerdforever